The sessions
The purpose of the first two (consultation) sessions is to find out if we make a good 'match', and to help you decide if you would like to work with me. There is no obligation to return after these first two sessions.
If you do feel that we could work together, subsequent sessions are 50 minutes long, and take place at the same regular time, agreed by us, once a week. In times of crisis this can be increased to two sessions a week. It is important to commit to attending the weekly sessions in order to gain regular support and continuity.

BL, London
With her supportive and professional manner, Gaynor immediately made me feel at ease. Over time, she helped me to unpick and understand some very long-standing and rigid patterns of behaviour that were very unhelpful. The experience of psychodynamic counselling has had a positive impact on my self-esteem, and subsequently the quality of my daily life, as well as helping me through some more specific difficulties.
Short-term or long-term? Skype/Zoom?
You might like to start with short-term therapy (12 sessions) or opt for long-term therapy (open-ended). If you find the short-term therapy to be beneficial, you can extend into long-term therapy. The choice is absolutely yours.
Sessions via Skype or Zoom can also be arranged if it is difficult for you to attend in person.
I have decided to be happy,
as it is good for my health.